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So, should you buy an NFT?

Are NFTs right for you? Or is it better for you to stay away? Honestly, it’s a hard question to answer. In the end, it really just comes down to your personal preference and why you want to get involved in the first place. But there are a few things that can help you decide.

1. NFTs are great if you want to support a creator, are interested in owning a part of something, or find the community aspects compelling.

2. As an investment? NFTs are volatile and risky. The market is speculative. If you are okay with this, wonderful. But be careful, and never spend more than you can afford to lose.

3. Despite the explosive popularity we’ve seen in the past few years, NFTs are still in their early stages, and it’s never too late to get started. You definitely didn’t miss the boat.

If you do decide to get into the NFT ecosystem, we hope you enjoy the ride – we know that we certainly have.

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